Lion & Lamb Yard is an award winning shopping centre linking the prime retail pitch of The Borough and West Street with Waitrose supermarket and the extensive Hart car parks. Other major retailers represented in Lion & Lamb Yard include Joules, Waterstones, Cote Restaurant, Starbucks, Whistles, Andre Noir and Neal's Yard Remedies.
Warren Domb
020 7491 7777
Ronald Laser
020 7491 7777
Flexible lease terms available. Further details upon request.
Upon application.
Interested parties are recommended to make their own enquiries to Waverley Borough Council, Tel: 01483 523 522.
Available upon request.
Each party to bear their own legal costs incurred.
Contact DMA -
Warren Domb: 07768 875 707 - wdomb@dmaproperty.com
Ronald Laser: 07768 877 025 - rlaser@dmaproperty.com
Subject to Contract